Donate Food
Donating food is a worthy cause and to make it go farther, consider donating nutritious, healthy food.
Donate Time
We Got This Canada is proud to be a volunteer-run and volunteer-led non-profit organization.

Donate Money
Now more than ever, our community needs support. Your friends and neighbors who are struggling need your help to get life-saving essentials like emergency food hampers and meals. A $50 donation could go towards feeding multiple meals to a family of four. Make an impact where it is needed the most.
In Kind Donations
While we’re extremely grateful to accept all donations, being a new organization there are some In Kind gifts that can make a Huge difference to our growing organization and help us increase our impact.

Fund Raise
If there is one thing that internet has given us, it is the ability to crowdsource ideas and crowdfund through ideas to make a change in this world. Together we can go so far!
Buy our Merchandise

Be an Ambassador
Help spread kindness and love in the world by becoming a WGTC Ambassador and making a positive impact in your community. As a WGTC Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to use your influence and encourage a positive change. You will attend various food drives, events, interviews or press conferences. You may also flaunt some limited edition WGTC merch on social media while promoting your content.