⛄️????⛄️ We Got This Canada is planning something very special 🙂 for our December emergency food hampers – the opportunity to Sponsor a Hamper & Spread Holiday Cheer! We are offering individuals or families the opportunity to sponsor another family’s December emergency food hamper by making a $50 donation towards a full hamper (that our volunteers will purchase, pack and deliver 🙂 Each sponsored hamper will include:- (1) TURKEY, HAM OR CHICKEN -(1) 2 LB BAG OF CARROTS -(1) 5 LB BAG OF POTATOES -(1) PIE OR TART-(1) BAG OF BUNS -(1) BOXED STUFFING MIX -(1) CRANBERRY SAUCE (FOR TURKEY) OR MUSTARD (FOR HAM) -(1) PACKAGED GRAVY -(1) CANNED VEGGIES OR CORN ⛄️????⛄️ Together, we can ensure that no family goes hungry this holiday season! If you would like to sponsor another family’s December hamper, Please send a pm to Dominique Meilleur. Thank you kindly for your continued generosity this holiday season! ~We Got This Canada Team
🙂 Please Join our Second Annual ” Toys For Our Children Of Winnipeg ” toy drive. ⛄️????⛄️ If you or someone you know would like to make a donation ???? but cannot drop it off at our bin please contact Heather Marie at events @ wegotthiscanada.org. ???? Thank you in advance for your support 🙂
The journey of 24000 meals began with a single step of registering our Facebook group as a non-profit. We’d like to take this moment to thank our partners, sponsors, volunteers, online community and above all, the people of Winnipeg for all their support through our first year of operations. We look forward to serving the community for many years to come. ReadMore